2 September 2024: 

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) is calling on industry experts to share their insights on battery performance, durability, and lifespan. This information will help shape the ongoing implementation of the EU’s Batteries Regulation, ensuring fair and balanced legal obligations across the sector. 

As of 18 August 2024, the Regulation requires manufacturers and other economic operators to provide detailed documentation with rechargeable industrial batteries (over 2 kWh), light means of transport batteries, and electric vehicle batteries. This documentation must include key details like capacity, power, performance degradation over time, and expected lifespan. Additionally, it must explain the technical specifications, standards, and conditions used to measure, calculate, or estimate these values for conformity assessments. 

Currently, there is no standard for calculating these technical details for flow batteries. However, the industry is working on developing performance and durability standards, which should be in place by June 2026. 

The information submitted to the JRC will play an important role in shaping new regulations that set minimum standards for battery performance and durability. While this documentation is typically shared between manufacturers and customers, the JRC is encouraging voluntary input from all stakeholders in the battery sector. 

Share your insights by completing the survey!