On 3 December 2021, members of Flow Batteries Europe met for the second General Assembly. It was the occasion to assess FBE achievements and discuss upcoming activities.
Established in April 2021, FBE is now up and running. Despite its recent creation, the Association is already a recognised stakeholder when it comes to flow batteries and energy storage. FBE has made itself heard in the debate around energy storage: for instance, FBE provided on two occasions its views on the Fit for 55 package (the first time on system efficiency and the second time on demand-side flexibility (DSF) in the energy system) and responded to the UK government’s consultation on LDES.
In addition, FBE representative intervened at key events such as the International Flow Battery Forum (IFBF) Virtual Summer Symposium (7-9 July 2021), the Energy Storage Global Conference (19-21 October) and the Battery Innovation Days (23-25 November).
Looking at the internal activities, in 2021 the Association set up its working bodies and established three committees:
1. Business Development Committee, which works to enhance the profile of flow batteries. It currently has two working Groups on Green Financing and Flow Battery Business Cases.
2. Communications Committee, which sets the communications strategy to increase the Association’s visibility and promote its policy.
3. Technical Committee, which works to identify and promote the sustainability benefits of flow batteries.