15 February 2024:
FBE welcomes the Commission’s recommended target for 2040: a 90% net GHG emission reduction compared to 1990 levels. We endorse the statement that Europe should lead in developing the clean technology markets of the future.
Ambitious electrification is at the heart of the Europe’s green transition. The Commission asses that the share of electricity in the final energy consumption will double from 25% today to about 50% in 2040. In this, renewable energy in majority, will generate over 90% of the electricity consumption in the EU in 2040. It is rightfully stated that higher renewable shares with require increased flexibility through energy storage.
Investing in energy storage is essential for ensuring the reliability and resilience of our energy systems. Flow batteries, capable of storing excess energy for 4 or more hours and releasing it when demand is high, play a crucial role in balancing supply and demand, stabilising the grid, and reducing the need for costly fossil fuel-based backup power plants.
The Commission also underlines the importance of raw materials in the green transition. FBE would like to highlight that flow batteries can not only be produced with abundantly available materials but also offer significant advantages over competing technologies in terms of material reuse and recycling – up to 95% of flow battery components are recyclable. Flow batteries are ideally suited into the development of strong green and circular industries.
The recommended target requires rapid deployment of zero and low carbon technologies by 2040, therefore we urge the European Commission and Member States to recognise energy storage as an indispensable tool for achieving the EU’s objectives and to utilize the potential of flow batteries.
Next steps
The Communication launches the process of setting the 2040 climate target for the EU. The next Commission, which will take office after the 2024 European elections, will make the legislative proposal to include the 2040 target in the European Climate Law and will ensure that the appropriate post-2030 policy framework is in place to deliver the 2040 target in a fair and cost-efficient manner.
FBE is continuously monitoring the development of European environmental policies and will ensure that our members are informed.