Solar Panel Integration Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Installation in Spain

Solar Panel Integration Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Installation in Spain

Our Member Largo has deployed a 6.1 MWh Vanadium Redox Flow Battery for Enel Green Power España, located in Mallorca, Spain.

Largo Clean Energy (LCE) entered into its first VCHARGE VRFB system sales contract with Enel Green Power España. Under the contract, LCE is obligated to deliver a 6.1 MWh VCHARGE system for a project in Spain.

Solar panel integration

How it works?

The VCHARGE± battery system employs a modular architecture based on 1 MW power and around 2 MWh energy building blocks.

This VRFB is installed alongside 1 megawatt peak of solar photo-voltaic generation at the project site and be used to optimize the use of solar generation by shifting excess solar generation from day to evening.

Integrating Largo’s leading high purity vanadium production with the disruptive capabilities of our VCHARGE± system, including superior performance, long life, optimal cost structure and proven durability, helps position Largo as an emerging leader in the VRFB industry.

The world is in need of clean and safe long-duration energy storage and they believe the VCHARGE± system can be a significant part of this solution going forward.

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